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Race Results

and Sponsor Information! 


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Accepting NEW Sponsors

Contact us below to setup an interview/presentation!


like never before!

*VIP racing experiences, EXCITING Brand exposure to thousands of potential NEW, LIFELONG customers!

Frequently Asked Questions

What's so great about Go Kart Racing?

Racing is one of very few sports, that don't play "games"

Kart racing is one of the most affordable forms of racing, and a premier way to start if you're new to racing. 

Why should I care?

Racing is a great oppurtunity to get outdoors and watch some EXCITING, wheel-to-wheel, heart-pounding, action-packed, competitve go karts, on dirt oval race tracks

^^^This has proven to be a lot of FUN

These factors can help you in many ways. Mentally, physically, ETC.


Sponsorship is a partnership between our team and yours, and we believe there is no limit to what we can accomplish TOGETHER

How long have you raced, and are you even any good?

Our team has over 50 A main starts, with over 17 A main wins. (Since 2021)

(A mains) are the main event for the night, and most  racetracks line you up for the A main start, based on your average finish, of two shorter races prior to the A main, called heat races.

So hundreds of races, and dozens of wins, between 9 racetracks, and 4 states. (Michigan, Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio)

“Shafer Racing offers a THRIVING PARTNERSHIP to grow your business AND brand, in a UNIQUE and EXCITING way.”

[Bradley Shafer/Dad/CEO]

Contact us

*To setup an interview/presentation

*For pricing and availability 



Berrien Springs, Michigan, United States
